Saturday 2 November 2013

Back injury can hamper your way of doing your job

Many believe that people just need their hands or feet to do their jobs, but what they don’t know is that when something goes wrong with other parts of the body, it can sometimes affect the efficiency of people doing their jobs. One area of the body that can hamper their ability to do their jobs is their backs. There are significant relations to other parts of the body as to why when people get their backs injured, they will lose their efficiency on doing what they are doing.
What are the connections?
As earlier stated, our backs are simply connected to other parts of our bodies, and when it is injured, there is the possibility it can affect our mobility as well. Here are some examples that people might feel when back injury manifests.
·         Loss of mobility to move around – this is because often times, even walking around may hurt really bad in the back area, and even standing up straight might be really painful to someone and in this case, will affect their mobility in moving around doing what they are doing. There are other motor functions as well that might get affected when this happens like moving of the arms or even a slight twist of the body might be very agonizing.
·         Burden of feeling the pain in the back can also mean that something is wrong in general. There are times that back pains may be a result of something even bigger and might need to be checked by experts, though most of the time it is related to the spine, but sometimes it is also related to the muscles at the back. The common cause for this is being overweight, which means that the overall weight is not suited for the age and height of a person.
There are many more causes and effects that need to be addressed when back injury happens, and people needs to be educated what they need to keep their backs in tip top shape so that it will not affect their activities when the injury manifests. The best way to do this is to consult to a bone expert or a chiropractor who specializes in diagnosing what is wrong with the person, especially in the area of the spine. These are the same people that might advise their patients to get orthopedic mattresses or any device that could give more stability to the back, because some people doesn’t even know that sometimes it’s their position in sitting or even lying down are the causes of their injuries, and it doesn’t have to be something that is more drastic like an accident, because the spine can be affected by weight and muscle strain. People can ask and consult for a healthy spine and pain free backs.

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Tuesday 15 October 2013

Understand Various Types of Sports Injuries Atlanta

Sports injuries result from sports or athletic activities. These sports injuries Atlanta occur from overuse of a specific part of the body or from acute trauma. Repetitive stress and overuse injuries are

·         Achilles tendinitis
·         Blackberry thumb
·         Chondromalacia patellae
·         Climber’s finger
·         Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
·         Climbing injuries
·         Computer vision syndrome
·         De Quervain syndrome
·         Gamekeeper’s thumb
·         Golfer’s elbow
·         Hand arm vibrations
·         Iliotibial band syndrome
·         Infrapatellar bursitis
·         Injurvii
·         Keratoconjuctivitis sicca
·         Little league elbow
·         Lymphangiosclerosis
·         Median nerve palsy
·         Nintendo thumb
·         Patellar tendinitis
·         Patellofemoral pain syndrome
·         Plantar clacaneal bursitis
·         Prepatellar bursitis
·         Plantar fasciitis
·         Radial tunnel syndrome
·         Repetitive strain injury
·         Rotator cuff tear
·         Shin splints
·         Shoulder problem
·         Stener lesion
·         Snapping hip syndrome’
·         Stress fracture
·         Talusitis
·         Tendinosis
·         Tendinitis
·         Tennis elbow
·         Ulnar nerve entrapment
·         Vibration white finger
·         Health problems related to video games
·         Workrave
·         Xwrits

Traumatic sports injuries Atlanta mainly consist of

  •   Bruise or contusion
  •   Strain
  •   Sprain
  •   Bone facture
  •   Wounds
  •   Head injury
  •   Spinal cord injury

Soft tissues experience trauma in the body during athletic activities and damaged or dead cells release certain chemicals. They initiate inflammatory response, resulting in sports injuries Atlanta. The characteristics of inflammation are pain, heat, localized swelling, loss of function, and redness. During sports activities, the trauma damages small blood vessels and they get opened up to produce bleeding within body tissues. A small blood clot forms as normal body reaction to stop the bleeding. Special cells known as fibroblasts start a natural healing process from this clot by laying down all scar tissues. The inflammatory stage is the beginning phase of natural healing but a very high inflammatory response could delay the healing process. Treatments for this type of sports injuries Atlanta intend to minimize this inflammatory phase to accelerate overall healing.

There are several approaches to treat sports injuries. One process is termed as PRICES, which is protect, rest, ice, compression, elevation, and stabilize. Another process is danger and response. Third treatment of sports injuries is airway, breathing, and circulation or ABC. Fourth type of treatment is TOTAPS or talk, observe, touch, active movement, passive movement, and skills test. Another common treatment method is RICE or rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

When you suffer from any sports related injuries, you should immediately stop the athletic activity. Continuation of the activity could lead to more harm. Treatment of sports injuries Atlanta begins with the process of relieving pain, reducing swelling, and speeding up the process of healing. Depending on the type of injury, the physician might prescribe pain relievers or keep the injured area immobile. Rehabilitation and surgery might be required for serious injuries. Most of the injuries occur due to poor training practices, accidents, or improper gear. Even if a person is not in good shape or is not in a fit condition, injuries would occur. Inadequate warming up or not stretching enough could also result in injuries.

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